密西西比州派克县(派克县)的马格诺利亚人. 杰西·哈纳德先生. 他于1967年获得pg电子游戏试玩农业教育理学学士学位,辅修生物学和音乐. 他于1972年获得佛罗里达大学蔬菜作物和推广教育文学硕士学位,1979年获得路易斯安那州立大学园艺和推广教育哲学博士学位.

Dr. 我们的职业生涯跨越了30多年, 从1967年开始担任密西西比州立大学的县代理,直到他从pg电子游戏试玩退休. 在pg电子游戏试玩任职期间,他担任过许多职位, including: Horticulture Specialist; Coordinator of Civil Rights and EEO; Associate Division Director for Administration (Assistant Dean); Associate Extension Administrator; First Director of the Small Farm Development Center and Loan Program; and Administrator for the Cooperative Extension Program. 退休后, 他咨询了密西西比合作社协会(Mississippi Association of Cooperatives),成为娄小姐房地产公司(miss lou Realty)的房地产经纪人.

在他的职业生涯中, 马雷斯获得了无数荣誉, including: Induction into the George Washington Carver Hall of Fame (2005); Induction to the ASU Hall of Honors (2011); 1890 University Career Exemplar Award (2015); Outstanding Young Men of America; Who’s Who in Mississippi; Chairman of the National Commission on Small Farms; Secretary of the Agriculture Advisory Committee on Small Farms; member of the 认证 Site Committee for the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools in 1978 and 1980; Outstanding Service Award from North Bolivar County Development Corporation; Mat E. 小托马斯。. Professional Achievement Award; President’s Club Award; L. A. Potts Memorial Success Story Award; Founder’s Award for establishing the Annual Small Farmer’s Conference, 以及蒂姆·坎贝尔领导奖. 此外, 他持有职业农业教学证书, 完成公民权利和平等就业机会基本培训的证书, 是密西西比州房地产委员会的持牌房地产经纪人.

他曾担任过各种专业的职务, 公民, 社会和宗教组织. These include: President of the pg电子游戏试玩 Jefferson County 校友 Chapter; Past First Vice-President of the ASU 全国校友会; Deacon and Treasurer for Sherman Baptist Church; Senior Sunday School Teacher for Shiloh First Baptist Church; Congressional Advisory Committee for District 2; Presidential Council on Rural Development; Food and Agriculture Committee for the State of Mississippi; National Committee on Alternative Agriculture Enterprises; Squanto (National Extension Fraternity); ASU Kiwanis Club; Mississippi Association of Realtors; Jefferson County Christian Alliance; Headstart Policy Council; President of the Jefferson County School Board; Past Vice-President of the Natchez area Board of Realtors; Past President of the Jefferson Chamber of Commerce and Past President of the Jefferson County Athletic Booster Club.

他娶了已故的玛丽·哈纳德,他们育有三个成年子女:小杰西.杰弗里和约翰. 他居住在美国密西西比州的费耶特.